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The Eternal Feminine is an ever-evolving program that explores women’s lives, dreams, and creativity through their words and music.
I began the project in 2017 with a concerts in and around the GTA. Some of the themes explored included fantasy, relationships, love and loss through music and words by Debussy, Poldowski, Alma Mahler-Werfel, Sara Teasdale and Marie Howe, to name a few. I included works about fictional female characters such as Bilitis (Louÿs) and Mignon (Goethe) because I felt the characters’ experiences still resonated with real women’s experiences.
In 2018, I revised the program to include more uplifting themes and included selections from The Years, a beautiful song cycle by Lori Laitman, set to poetry by Sara Teasdale. This time, I joined with my friend Suzanne Yeo (pianist), for concerts in the GTA, including a live recording of our Toronto concert that was released in a limited edition CD. We were thrilled and honored when Ms. Laitman gave us permission to include her set on The Eternal Feminine CD.
This year, with new social distancing restrictions, concerts were out of the question and Suzanne and I sought new ways to reach our audiences. We’d played with the idea of hosting a podcast in the past, and this seemed like the optimal time to begin. We have sought to create high quality podcast and audio recordings within the limitations imposed by social distancing: each podcast is recorded from the comfort of our own homes, and we’ve used multiple digital media applications to connect and collaborate with each other.
We’ll be launching The Eternal Feminine Podcast Series on July 18, 2020 and will be featuring women composers and poets exclusively. We hope that the new podcast format will help to bring these often-overlooked creators to the public, and also to introduce the art song genre to new audiences.
Thank you for joining us on this journey, and I hope that you enjoy The Eternal Feminine Podcast Series!
-Daniella Theresia
June 14, 2020