On this day, we honor ALL aspects of women’s creativity. Whether a woman chooses to express herself through music, art, poetry, or creating tiny humans, each and every expression of creativity helps other women to express themselves more authentically, which in turn leads to a more authentic society.
Nearly all of the women featured on our “Eternal Feminine Podcast Series” struggled with social views of “women creators,” which often led to them abandoning or burying creative ambitions for domestic life; or rejecting domestic life for creative freedom. We are grateful that they were able to create what they did, and that we have been able to share their fascinating stories and compositions with the world through our inaugural podcast series. You can re-visit all of the episodes here.
Speaking of creative works – we have been very busy with our other creative project: Opera Sustenida. Following the success of our second concert in February, we’re preparing a concert of works from the Bel Canto and Romantic periods, to be livestreamed in September. We’ll be featuring even more guest artists and choristers on this concert and we’ve also submitted a grant proposal to the Canada Council for the Arts, which we hope will allow us to bring our Opera Sustenida concerts to an even wider audience.
For those of you who were looking forward to the concert we were planning (“Neurotica: Ich grolle nicht and other love songs”), we haven’t forgotten you! We are still planning to do this, but we are waiting till live rehearsing and performing are possible.
In the meantime, thank you for joining us as we honor women’s creativity, past and present.
Daniella and Suzanne